Far Infinity


Red pores. pomelo



Volume V | 菜谱第5部合辑

Seippelabel Vol. 5 includes an all Beijing-based cast of electronic producers. These artists often perform together live and are also part of a newly formed techno label called prajnasonic. While this particular compilation does not entirely represent all the varied forms of techno, it does float in an out of that sonic realm. The tracks reveal how the techno genre is perceived and blended in the current music scene of 2016 Beijing.

菜谱第5部合辑新鲜出炉啦~这一次我们邀请到来自4位北京独立电子音乐制作人参与其中。这张专辑风格多变,我们不局限某种特指风格或形式,打破常规,才会好玩、有趣。特别提到 techno 这种音乐,碎着脚步踏着电流你会明白我们要的声波在哪里流动!

Released: August 19, 2016 | 8月第19年,2016年

Album Art 封面: Daniel Wilkinson 丹尼尔·威尔金森

Design 设计: Michele Seippel 米歇尔·赛普

Translation/Editing 翻译/编辑:

Brad Seippel 布拉德·赛普

Curation/Mastering 策展/母带处理: Brad Seippel 布拉德·赛普