Seippelabel Showcase: Wu Zhuoling

Seippelabel Showcase: Wu Zhuoling

After the 2018 release of Seippelabel Vol. 10 and a thrilling US tour, Seippelabel is back with their first showcase of 2019. The Beijing/Oakland based platform is excited to showcase a night of varying genres and emotions. Much like their compilation series in the past, Seippelabel strives to present a unique selection of artists within China and internationally. Headlining the event will be Chengdu electronic artist, Wu Zhuoling who will be finishing a China-wide tour. In gracious support there will also be live sets by ambient percussive duo, Solent&Hadi and the experimental stylings of Seippelabel’s founder, thruoutin. The night will kick off with a short set by instrumental hip-hop producer Sosoloid. It will be a night of first collaborations with us and some solid mainstays. We invite you to kick off the new season with a night that’s surly one not to miss.

Artist Introductions:

Wu Zhuoling:

With her legendary personal experience and outstanding talent, Wu Zhuoling has become an iconic female artist in the Chinese independent music scene. She combines many roles into one: singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and front-woman of the live electronic band Wednesday’s Trip. She has always been active in live music performance. Her first album “Secret Mission” was made with Wednesday’s Trip and was issued in 2005, but soon thereafter quit the band to move to Tibet. After two years of reclusive life, she returned to her hometown of Chengdu and restarted her music career. She started by refining her personal style and cooperating with various musicians and artists. She has toured all over China and parts of Europe. Zhuoling has released 7 albums/EP's on some influential indie labels in China and has been nominated several times for such awards as Best Female Artist and Best New Electronic Album of The Year in the past.

She had also composed and performed music for the theatre play “13 Million Single Bathtubs” by Taiwanese director Xu Sixian, and engaged in long-distance cooperation with the Dutch media designer You Echo. Besides her own works, she has also produced and mixed albums/EP's for other Chinese indie bands and a hip hop/jazz acts. Through years of experience, she gained a deeper understanding of music and gradually developed her own characteristic style. Whether it is her refreshing acoustic songs or her dark acid electronic pieces, they both try to deeply touch the audience's soul. Her elegant melodies, deep & warm vocals, story-telling lyrics from a female perspective, and a mystic-tranquil atmosphere always give her music a pure and unique quality.


American born electronic producer and multi-instrumentalist, thruoutin, has been based in China since 2009. His work varies from project to project but often revolves around the combining of different genres with a focus on organic and digital sounds. He has extensively toured through North America and Asia; releasing music on several labels along the way. Most Recently he has put out work with Beijing labels RAN Music and Jingweir as well as performing on Boiler Room China and playing at festivals such as Wetware and Jiangbei.


Solent&Hadi is a collaborative project, which is built around spontaneous performances between the two artists that attempt to create a transitory space of sound to exist in for the duration of the performance.

Indian Tabla drummer, guitarist, and stage music creator, Hadi has performed Indian Tabla in Zhang Liangying's "Forgotten Samba Dance", and is a leading lecturer for Meyer Music. He graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music with a major in Music Education and has been a theatre composer since 2005. He also has taken on a role as a music editor for CCTV since 2011. He is presently the musical director for the extraordinary Silk Road Orchestra, in which he takes on the role of composer and performs tabla and cajón. He participated in 35 performances in the national Poly Theatre circuit in 2017 and 2018. His research on electronic music began in 2018. On his musical path, he applies a fusion of elements which may unfold a completed form of his creative concept.

Solent is a British multi-instrumentalist based in the neo-capitalist urban sprawl of Beijing, China since 2008. Synthetic loops, samples, and field recordings all form the foundation of his tracks, presenting ideas which have been extracted from ambient, psychedelic, new age, and drone. Solent has collaborated with a variety of platforms including labels such as Jingweir and Slow Pulse, Spittunes and the Bookworm Literary Festival, as well as taking part in performances curated by Impromptu including the inaugural “Yichang at Home” event.

The collaboration between the two artists focuses on themes related to the internal construct of space which each person exists in, and an inherent vacuum of meaning that is present in the music; the listener may exist in this ephemeral space, and apply their own individual truth to the collaborative piece.


Sosoloid is a Beijing based hip-hop producer who goes by such aliases as Orientlic and Zhang Qiji. As a beat-maker and producer, Sosoloid represents his hometown with his inimitable style.

After publishing his first album "Instrumental Beats" in 2011, he began using the moniker Zhang Qiji as his artist name. Over the past eight years, Sosolid has produced for hip-hop artists like Lu 1, It's Good, Wu Shisan, Hei Yang and Ragtag as well as releasing many distinctive works of his own. While constantly studying the techniques of sampling and collage methods, he has gradually turned from traditional hip-hop beats to a broader field of influence in his music production.

In 2015, Sosoloid cooperated with “Mintone Records” and put out an EP named “Rain Wood/Cloud Water” and an album called “8 Beat Tape”, which were both strongly reminiscent of orient styles. Since then, he has further focused on music production with an emphasis on his own style. He recently launched the “Orientlic Sound Project” plan and has published works under this project over the last three years. His album “Only the Sound”, released on January 1st, 2019, was well received by Chinese audiences. Sosoliod’s musical perspective is quite unique and stands out from other artists in the Chinese hip-hop community.


2018年推出的Seippelabel Vol.10是一场激动人心的美国巡演。如今菜谱厂牌又回归了,这将是这个基于北京/奥克兰的平台2019年的首次展示。很高兴我们这次能为你送上一个不同类型和情感的夜晚。 和以往的系列类似,菜谱厂牌致力于在中国和国际上展示独特的艺术家。 此次活动的主角是来自成都的电子艺术家吴卓玲,她近期正在中国巡回演出,将在活动中送上一段模块合成器即兴演奏的氛围音乐和硬件电子音乐现场。 另外,环境打击乐二重奏组Solent&Hadi,以及菜谱厂牌创始人thruoutin也将慷慨助阵,献上实验风格的现场表演。整个活动将由器乐嘻哈制作人Sosoloid开场,这将是我们和一些坚实支持者的第一次合作之夜,一个不容错过的夜晚。我们邀请您一同开启令人期待的新的一季。



吴卓玲以其传奇般的个人经历和杰出的才华成为中国独立音乐界中标志性的女性艺人之一。她集民谣唱作人、电子乐团主唱、音乐制作人、翻译作者、运动员等多重身份于一身,长年活跃于国内外独立音乐的舞台上。2005年她和“星期三旅行”乐队一同创作了“中国首张Dream Pop唱片”,而后她便悄然隐居西藏,在那里翻译英文故事书,研习藏传佛教,四处游历,3年后她又带着清新朴实的民谣作品回归舞台。吴卓玲与全世界各类音乐人、制作人和艺术家有过合作,数次在中国各地及欧洲巡演,到目前为止已在中国最具影响力的独立音乐厂牌发表了7张风格各异的专辑/EP,获得了各类重要音乐大奖(如“年度最佳女艺人”和“年度最佳电子专辑”等)的提名。除了创作自己的作品外,她也为一些国内新生独立音乐人的担任制作人和混音师。经过多年的沉积和磨砺,她逐渐形成了极具个人色彩的音乐风格。她的原声音乐清新自然,悦耳脱俗;而她的电子乐则厚重迷幻。阴沉猛烈和恬静淡然的情绪在她的作品中交替出现,层层叠加的氛围和灵动节奏意在与听者建立起深层次的灵魂上的交流,相较与主流的民谣、流行乐或电子舞曲,她的作品更具艺术化。她的歌词写作也自成一派,从魔幻故事,到写实叙事,再到充满心理意象的散文诗句,大多简洁细腻,前后呼应,表现出一种女性化的优雅而冷静的视


来自美国的电子音乐家与音乐制作人thruoutin,定居中国5年。多元化的音乐风格, 把奇怪的温情电子和中国民乐音乐结合在一起。你可以听到多种艺术创作思维在他的音乐里,尤其是对大自然的采样和物理电子声音的钟爱。曾在北美洲和亚洲有过巡回演出,除了他个人独立发行的唱片外,他还与多家唱片公司都有过合作关系。比如:燃音乐和京味儿等。2017年曾在Boiler Room中国演出,还有豆瓣音乐的Wetware音乐节以及张北音乐节。



Solent是一位来自英国的多乐器音乐人,自2008年在中国北京生活。Solent的音乐作品基于合成器、采样和田野录音,形成一种迷幻、新时代和drone音乐的氛围。Solent曾与很多不同平台合作,包括京味儿唱牌、Slow Pulse唱牌、Spittunes和“书虫文学节”等,以及Impromptu的首届“一场在家”活动。




当你说起中国的hiphop制作,Sosoloid (A.K.A. Orientlic/张骐骥)这个名字是不会被忘记的,尽管有多重身份,但这位来自北京的年轻人一直在以自己不可复制的风格代表着北京。

在2011年发表第一张个人Instrumental Beats专辑后,Sosoloid以“张骐骥”为化名,进入到地下Hip-Hop听众视野。8年来,Sosoloid曾为Lu1,Itsogoo、五石散、黑羊等说唱歌手操刀制作,并发多张表独具个人特色的作品。在不断钻研采样拼贴的技术的同时,也逐渐从传统的Hip-Hop Beats转向更加广阔音乐制作范畴。

2015年Sosoloid与“明堂唱片”达成合作,发表EP《雨木、云水》,和专辑《八音》,两张具有东方色彩的专辑。自此开启了Sosoloid带有浓重个人烙印的音乐制作之路。之后开展的“Orientlic sound Project”计划,又在三年内连续发表了多张音乐作品。其中于2019年1月1日发表的专辑《Only the sound》尤为让人惊喜。 Sosoloid的音乐视野在国内地下音乐场景里很南找到任何一个可以比较的对象,或者就像他之前所说的一样,通过对 Hip-Hop beat 制作的入门,他在慢慢的钻研之中发现了一个更广的世界,从而逐渐产生一种放下音乐风格界限,转为以声音本质的角度出发,重新开始音乐制作的思路。这在目前国内壁垒分明的电子音乐制作领域,无疑是珍贵和难得的。

Poster by: Michele Seippel

海报:Michele Seippel


April 25, 2019 @ 9:30 PM




60RMB Pre-sale, 70RMB Door

Line Up

Wu Zhuoling



